Dr. Gary N. Carden, Liars Bench Artistic Director |
So much has happened with the Liars Bench in the last three months, I feel I need to bring you up to date. First, the Liars Bench is now a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and we can now apply for grants that will enable us to expand our programming. Second, Newt Smith and I have just submitted an application to the Jackson County Arts Council for a program that will enable me to publish a folklore book of mine, "An Appalachian Bestiary"
which, in turn, will provide material for a series of Liars Bench programs. Third, we are in the process of acquiring a Board of Advisers who will be instrumental in determining the future of the Liars Bench. There are other
projects that are being developed, and hopefully, they will involve musicians, storytellers, poets, artists and playwrights.
There will not be another Liars Bench program until March (or perhaps April). Between now and then, we will be developing resources. Among the topics that are being developed are Cherokee Legends and Folklore, and the details attending the drowning of 19 convicts in 1992 below Dillsboro. Marvin Cole, the man who does the Mark Twain program wants to come back and talk about outhouses. There is some interest in a progam on Margaret Siler.

I have taken the liberty of including some of the 50 critters in my "Appalachian Bestiary." These critters are mostly imaginary and the book will include both an illustration and description for each entry. If you want additional information, please ask.
Mail cards & letters to PO Box 114, Cullowhee, NC 28723
The Mountain Heritage Center at WCU: